Above: AutoCAD castle model rendered in 3D Studio, c. 1991; composited in an AutoCAD frame and used as an illustration on the cover of an AutoCAD manual
Above: Desert oasis rendering (Strata 3D) and the texture and color map used to create it, c. 1994
Above: Island renderings (Strata 3D) and the texture and color map used to create them, c. 1994
Above: More early 3D renderings (Strata 3D), c. 1994
Above: Design rendering for a local home builder, c. 1994
Above: Courtroom graphics
Above: Early audio CD cover design
Above: Logos
Above: Political signs
Above: Early illustration and diagrams
Above: Image composites (original image assets not available)
Above: Early personal website, c. 1996