NASB Marketing Website, 2019
A new mobile-responsive design for North American Savings Bank built in Sitefinity, replacing the previous design from 2010 or so. Development and design services were initially performed by ZAG Interactive. I was the technical project manager at NASB, liaising with Marketing, our internal AppDev team, and the vendor. Along with our primary stakeholder, CMO Jessica Gardner, I lead the process to gather requirements for the site, evaluate and choose a suitable content engine, and develop estimated budgets with possible vendors.
The new site's core purpose was lead generation, leveraging Sitefinity's great personalization engine, and a number custom-built add-ons such as a Progress Lead Form, Branch Locator, Loan Officer directory, and tons more.
Very proud of this project and our ability to deliver it on time.
Note: The site has changed some over time, especially given NASB's exit from the direct to consumer lending market.
Above: NASB Marketing Website Home Page
Above: Progress Lead Form
Above: NASB Branch Locator