Manually Removing Joomla Components
I’ve helped with a Joomla-based hobby site for several years. Another developer I work with added some custom-developed components that were manually added without install/uninstall scripts. All was well, but when the time eventually came that we no longer wanted these components in place, there was no obvious way to remove them from the administrative […]
Joomla Template Conditionals Round-Up
HR’s Industrial Strength Portal has a great round-up of settings/conditions you can check inside Joomla 1.5 templates in order to dynamically adjust your layout. Outstanding! =)
Joomla 1.5 Module Overrides
Out of the box, Joomla 1.5 is a powerhouse of functionality. But as with any stock system, there are a few things that may need to be tweeked in order to get the result you want or expect. Take Joomla menu controls for instance. They’re fine and functional, and 90% of the time no additional […]
Joomla 1.5 and WordPress 2.7 integration?
Well, I must confess that this WordPress plugin for Joomla would rock if it works as described. Comments on the page are hit and miss, so looks like I’ll have to try it out for myself to get a better idea. Groan. =)