Joomla 2.5.x Versions Module (mod_version) Not Showing Up in Administrator Modules List
Have run into a couple of times recently and finally found the solution. The problem: The Joomla version isn’t being displayed in the admin footer while logged into the backend. The module also isn’t showing up in the admin’s list of admin modules. The issue: In one or more Joomla 2.5.x updates, the SQL to […]
Joomla Changes from 1.5 to 1.6, 1.7, and 2.5: $mainframe and jos_components
Was looking to convert one of my Joomla 1.5 components into a Joomla 2.5 component and ran into a couple of show-stopping changes. 1) The jos_components table is gone. Just gone. This is the table that among many other varied purposes used to hold the admin component’s menu hierarchy. It’s now been rolled into jos_menu, […]
Joomla Plugin: EasierTube
I’ve got another post up over at Group 3 Solutions, this one discussing Joomla video plugins. First plugin up for discussion is EasierTube. The post gives some background on the problem of using video in Joomla posts and provides an overview of EasierTube’s features and issues. Enjoy!
Joomla Custom 404 Pages
Great little tutorial over at phpRiot on how to set up an intelligent custom 404 error page in PHP. However, if you’re using a stock Joomla 1.5 install with mod_rewrite enabled (e.g. SEO-friendly URLs) then you can just forget about doing this with an Apache directive. Joomla has control (though looking at the .htaccess file I’m […]
Joomla Plugin: Tabs & Slides
I’ve got another post up over at Group 3 Solutions. We’ve turned our attention away from WordPress Plugins over to Joomla Plugins this time around. First up is Joomla Tabs & Slides. The post gives some background on tabs as a concept and then shows how to easily implement them in Joomla using this plugin. […]
Custom Joomla Component Tutorials
Been tinkering around with custom Joomla 1.5 component development. Here are some helpful getting started links with “Hello world” -level tutorials: vojtechovsky.net softmarket.ro packtpub.com
Joomla 1.5 Module Overrides
Out of the box, Joomla 1.5 is a powerhouse of functionality. But as with any stock system, there are a few things that may need to be tweeked in order to get the result you want or expect. Take Joomla menu controls for instance. They’re fine and functional, and 90% of the time no additional […]
Joomla 1.5 and WordPress 2.7 integration?
Well, I must confess that this WordPress plugin for Joomla would rock if it works as described. Comments on the page are hit and miss, so looks like I’ll have to try it out for myself to get a better idea. Groan. =)
Phoca Gallery Joomla Plug 404 Error Resolution
Here’s an oddity that I don’t quite understand, but am happy to simply note the solution for. =) Installed Phoco Gallery on two sites recently. On the first site everything works fine. On the second site clicking a thumbnail generates a 404 error. Hmm. Everything is configured the same, but I found this post on […]
Joomla Install Afterthoughts
After installing Joomla, remember to: Set the RSS feed cache directory (/cache) to writable (I used 777, not sure if that’s required, but 666/664 didn’t seem to work), or the RSS feed module will throw up an error in its output. If adjusting template configuration, make sure and make the template’s params.ini file to writable […]