Installation of the DOCman Joomla Plugin

Posted by on Jan 12, 2009 in Joomla, Web Development | No Comments

Ok, there are a couple of gotchas when installing DOCman 1.4x with Joomla 1.5x. The readme.txt file is less than helpful, but the short version is this:

  1. Temporarily allow 777 permissions on the following three directories (this can be found in the DOCman support forum):
  2. Install plugin as normal (I uploaded the ZIP using the standard Joomla installer).
  3. After the install you’ll get an error message like “Warning: fopen([path]/administrator/components/com_docman/docman.config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/administrator/components/com_docman/classes/DOCMAN_config.class.php on line 121
    To alleviate this, change /administrator/components/com_docman/docman.config.php to be 666 writable (probably forever, but that assumes you’ll be changing your DOCman options as you toy with it).
  4. Set permissions back to 755 on the three directories from step 1.


Note: After this is done, no permissions changes need to be made to install the various official Joomla add-ons (which are indispensable) through the normal ZIP upload method:

  • DOCLink
  • DOCman Search
  • mod_docman_catdown
  • mod_docman_latestdown
  • mod_docman_lister
  • mod_docman_mostdown

Add-ons available at the DOCman downloads page.

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